results of the election for President of the United States on Tuesday Nov 11,
2016 is a day that brings me great sadness.
I regard it as a regrettable turning point in the rather short history
of the American Republic. On this day,
the American electorate – or at least half of them – have knowingly chosen a
man who has exhibited, during the campaign, behavior that clearly shows him to
be mentally disturbed, a person lacking in moral principle, almost completely
devoid of compassion for his fellow beings, bigoted towards huge portions of
the American population and especially lacking in the intellectual acuity to
appreciate the complexities of the modern world and the legitimacy of science. To have such a personality replace a man of such
stature, poise, acute intelligence, compassion and understanding is almost too
much to bare. President Obama is a true
statesman and will be regarded as such by future historians.
nation has apparently chosen the darkness.
The nation has apparently chosen “leadership” that has maintained that
climate change is a hoax. To accept such
an idiotic and destructive point of view is to consign future generations to a
hellish environment. This is no small
matter. We should all be deeply
concerned about the future of the planet we share with all of humanity.
nation has apparently chosen a man who has little or no understanding of the
complexity and nuances of international relations and has a distorted affinity
to those authoritarian world leaders that he regards as strongmen. He has already enlisted members of his cabinet
who are outspoken advocates of violence and aggression as a legitimate tool of
foreign policy. They have shown
themselves to be extremists that look upon all of Islam as the enemy and are
bound to get us into war once again. They
are bigoted men who seem to look favorably upon torture and wholesale destruction. They are individuals that operate on
principles that can be likened more to fascism than a supposed democratic
nation has apparently elected an administration that insists upon finding
scapegoats to explain the complex issues that surround the realities of
economic life in America. The flaws in
our economy have as their source the fundamental reality of a system that is
almost completely devoid of compassion and has created a grossly inequitable
distribution of wealth in favor of the powerful. Interestingly, Trump and the economic class
he represents is closer to the source of the issues that befalls us than
immigrants or Muslims or Blacks could ever be.
nation has apparently decided upon a President that could quite possibly lead
us down the dark road to Fascism – the man possesses all of the qualifications that
clearly indicate his affinity towards such a worldview. One need only study the rise of Nazism in
Germany to see the disturbing similarities.
we are not vigilant, the nation could face a deeply dark and devastating future
from which we may not easily recover. I
am saddened by this possibility, for we have chosen a path to decline when so
much more is possible.
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