individual human life – the human journey is unique for each of us. It had its origins in human evolution. Sometime in the distant past, an
extraordinary thing happened in regards to the ultimate destiny of
mankind. Before this singular change,
our ancestors were advanced enough to survive and procreate in an exceedingly
hostile environment. The survival
programming had been meticulously laid down over an extended period of time into
the neuronal architecture encased within the skull.
early ancestors were successful at making tools and establishing communities of
individuals. They successfully mated and
lived long enough to ensure the survival of the species. They responded to their environment through direct
action and expressed themselves through their emotions; they learned to respond
collectively to threat and remained reasonably safe from harm.
something quite extraordinary happened.
The architecture of the brain grew in size and complexity; until,
self-consciousness was born and from this remarkable change each organism
perceived himself as uniquely different and became capable of complex thought –
of drawing individual conclusions about the environment. And, most importantly, the individual became
capable of putting together diverse elements gleaned from experience and
arriving at original thinking. From this
ability to generate intricate patterns of thinking came the ability to imagine
and the impulse to create in entirely new ways.
This new capability instantly changed everything – this newly formed
intellect led necessarily marked changes in both individual and collective
momentous change in combination with the use of a pair of hands with an
opposable thumb ultimately gave rise to what we regard as human civilization;
for, thinking beings could use their hands to build. These early humans were no longer restricted
to the creation of primitive tools but now could imagine ways to combine
disparate elements in the the immediate physical environment to solve
real-world problems.
with the obvious advantages of self-consciousness for the individual came new
and often daunting challenges. In
addition to identification of the individual with the group there was now
self-identity that added new kinds of considerations and demands. There also appeared within this newly
acquired intellect an appreciation of the passing of time and the challenges
involved in making use of conscious life.
No longer was the individual simply propelled along the path of life by
the survival mechanisms and behaviors hard-wired into the neuronal circuitry; now
the individual could fashion new kinds of behavior based on conscious
choice. As with all choice, came the
ultimate realization of consequences – of the possibility of failure as well as
of us is propelled from birth into the human journey. We have many tools at our disposal of both a
physical and intellectual nature. As we
grow and develop as individuals, we learn and are shaped by our local environment. The pace of maturation varies from person to
person. Life’s lessons are many and the
conclusions we arrive at are unique to our own persona and the character of our
experience. As a consequence, there is
no singular answer to the fundamental questions of living.
regards to the often daunting task of navigating the complexities of life, the
evolution of human institutions as embodied in politics, culture, law and
religion have provided sets of guiding principles. Although these principles may provide some
solace and offer some type of meaning to the individual on his journey, they
fail to address the fundamental essence of the experience of existence as a
sentient being.
exigencies of living, the day-to-day preoccupation with the mundane needs that
sustain us and the behavioral norms imposed by the larger culture distracts the
thinking brain – the mind – from discovering the true nature of self.
many ways, the external human world has become a shallow and nearly-mindless
multi-ring circus with the many performers all calling for our complete
attention and constantly demanding our loyalty to competing values. As a result, much of existence has been
stripped of its real significance.
Modern-day humans have been relegated to a kind of conformity within
which our fundamental importance rests on our capacity for material
of this material world is, in many ways, a universe of illusion – a potpourri
of virtual experiences designed to stimulate and distract our attention from the
substantial aspects of our collective and individual natures.
response to all of this poverty of riches, I am intent upon stripping away the
needless affectation in order to discover the very essence of my humanity – of
my humanness. I believe that the
fundamental choices I have made in life reflect important aspects of my persona. My personal gravitation towards the arts and
science are grounded in my genetic inheritance, my creative impulse and curiosity
about the world around me.
the other hand, the errors in judgment that I have made that reside within the
realm of friendships and family were driven by the essential need for love,
affection and the sense of being connected to those around us that lie at the very heart of being human. When these basic needs are not met, a sense
of emotional deprivation and acute loneliness follow. Humans do not fare well under such
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